Where do our fruits / vegetables come from?

Not a question we often ask, or at least I didn’t. I was content knowing I mostly had 2 options at grocery stores – organic and non-organic. Understanding that the difference between the 2 was really health and price.
As part of understanding how to best manufacture, use, and promote our products, we at PureGro work hand in hand with our manufacturer: ExcelAg. Our most recent trip to Central America with the ExcelAg team was very eye-opening. Noting how household items pictured below are grown at the source!
Venturing into scenic farmlands...
Onions and potatoes abound!
Pictured below is an organic Onion farm. They are nestled in the middle of the mountains in Central Costa Rica. They produce with a focus on healthy nutrition to start the plant growth off right and use fungicides and insecticides to protect the plant when need be. They use no synthetic products and are able to produce large, beautiful onions:
Below, in another plant nearby, a picturesque view of a farmer checking his adolescent potato plants:
How about Pineapples?
Pineapples are another beast. Very thick plantations need to be treated by large tractors with extendible arms to spread fertilizer and other needed products. If you’ve ever worndered what thousands of acres of pineapples looks like – rest assured, it goes as far as the eye can see:
Interesting about Pineapples is that there is a mother plant that creates seeds near its base. Pictured below you have a fully grown pineapple with 2 growing seeds (can grown in several places along the plant apparently). That same fruit can be easily sliced to gauge health by color, acidity, and if insects have affected.
The trip to Central America was exciting. Recognizing that each of these farms used variants of our Pure Gro products:
- Nutri Plant™ (to ensure the plant grows and leaves expand healthily)
- Nutri Bloom™ (to ensure maximum nutrient uptake from the leaves in order to bloom the fruit or flower)
- Disease Stop™ (for fungi affecting leaves in the area), and
- Bug Stop™ (for white flies and other flying critters that can infest and impede plant growth)
Hope you enjoyed getting an inside view. We know we did!
Team PureGro